[LANSING] – Michigan Initiatives For Action (MIFA) achieved a major milestone in their pursuit of increased transparency in government when their petition to hold the executive and legislative branches subject to public information requests received approval from the Bureau of Elections and the Board of State Canvassers. This historic initiative can now move into circulation, but to make it a reality, MIFA urgently seeks the support of the people.

The Transparency Initiative seeks to amend Act 442 of 1976 and ensure that the executive and legislative branches are subject to public information requests. With the required approvals in hand, the real work begins – collecting the necessary signatures to put the initiative on the ballot. To achieve this, MIFA aims to gather an ambitious 400,000 signatures, surpassing the required 356,958.

“We believe that transparency and accountability are fundamental principles for an honest and open society. We urge all Michigan residents to get involved, share this information, and support our initiative by donating and volunteering,” stated John Clore, the founder of Michigan Initiatives For Action.

The success of The Transparency Initiative hinges on widespread participation from the public. The petition drive presents an opportunity for every concerned citizen to be part of this monumental change in Michigan’s governance. By putting the power in the hands of the people, MIFA aims to foster a government that is more accessible and accountable to its citizens.

MIFA is calling on Michigan residents to take an active role in this cause. Volunteers are needed to assist in gathering signatures and spreading awareness about the initiative’s significance. Every voice and effort matter, as it will ultimately shape the future of transparency and governance in the state.

“This is an opportunity for all of us to make a difference. Together, we can create a government that listens and responds to the needs of its people. Let’s come together and work towards a more transparent and accountable Michigan,” added Clore.

The success of The Transparency Initiative rests on the shoulders of the people. Now is the time to step up, donate, volunteer, and actively participate in making Michigan’s government more open and responsive. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future.

To learn more, get involved, and donate, visit the Michigan Initiatives For Action website at https://michiganinitiatives.org/donate.

4 Responses

  1. Please post the Complete Text of the Initiative as approved. Contained as such on your website is much more convenient for all who wish to read it b4 donating. Time is money for all of us.

    Be sure it scales dynamically, as PDF docs do not.

    Thanks for all you are doing.

    1. The petition and 100 word summary are the only things that need approval before circulation. Here is the full text of the summary on the back of the petition “as approved”.

      An initiation of legislation to amend the Freedom Of Information Act. The initiated law would
      expand the Act to hold the executive and legislative branches subject to public information
      requests (Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.232, Sec. 2 (h)).
      Initiated Law to Amend FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.232, Sec. 2 (h) Public Body
      The People of the State of Michigan enact:
      FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.232 Sec. 2 (h) (I) Any state officer, employee, agency, department, division,
      bureau, board, commission, council, authority, or other body in the executive branch of the state government, but does not include the
      governor or lieutenant governor, the executive office of the governor or lieutenant governor, or employees thereof.

  2. I am registered and live in PA. My governor is a Democrat who cannot be trusted to represent me and many others. How do I work to oppose and those that oppose me?

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